Monthly download statistics

Parent hierarchy: The entire DSpace / Asiakasorganisaatiot /

7 / 20238 / 20239 / 202310 / 202311 / 202312 / 20231 / 20242 / 20243 / 20244 / 20245 / 20246 / 2024Total
Suomen Metsätieteellinen Seura (SMS) - The Finnish Society of Forest Science (1932 items, 1954 bitstreams, 35997 megabytes) 4620 6313 7004 10367 7437 5026 6238 6142 5590 6157 5416 5076 75386
 Acta Forestalia Fennica (668 items, 677 bitstreams, 22492 megabytes) 1579 2355 2902 3559 3030 1840 2473 2317 2101 2386 2000 1990 28532
  1913-1929 (Vol. 1-35) (170 items, 175 bitstreams, 7040 megabytes) 298 636 616 564 630 385 538 487 492 666 545 493 6350
  1930-1939 (Vol. 36-46) (82 items, 82 bitstreams, 3115 megabytes) 142 298 492 387 250 167 231 360 241 257 220 238 3283
  1940-1949 (Vol. 47-56) (56 items, 57 bitstreams, 2748 megabytes) 192 247 292 245 318 190 240 210 195 248 141 180 2698
  1950-1959 (Vol. 57-70) (106 items, 107 bitstreams, 3361 megabytes) 276 341 321 593 333 226 288 244 308 327 258 240 3755
  1960-1969 (Vol. 71-102) (93 items, 93 bitstreams, 2773 megabytes) 265 377 342 422 422 292 341 319 267 280 261 252 3840
  1970-1979 (Vol. 103-165) (63 items, 65 bitstreams, 1272 megabytes) 90 151 177 328 359 212 321 246 227 195 224 242 2772
  1980-1989 (Vol. 166-209) (44 items, 44 bitstreams, 850 megabytes) 168 144 286 784 372 149 219 206 163 178 130 129 2928
  1990-1999 (Vol. 210-263) (54 items, 54 bitstreams, 1329 megabytes) 148 161 376 236 346 219 295 245 208 235 221 216 2906
 Silva Fennica (1232 items, 1236 bitstreams, 11561 megabytes) 2911 3837 3868 6409 4278 3058 3580 3634 3282 3555 3218 2893 44523
  1926 - 1929 (No. 1 - 13) (21 items, 22 bitstreams, 218 megabytes) 11 28 44 34 32 30 48 53 29 27 48 28 412
  1930 - 1939 (No. 14 - 50) (95 items, 95 bitstreams, 964 megabytes) 221 234 241 406 519 233 269 249 244 285 259 216 3376
  1940 - 1949 (No. 51 - 66) (49 items, 49 bitstreams, 676 megabytes) 103 146 155 413 158 189 185 252 169 139 133 108 2150
  1950 - 1959 (No. 67 - 102) (89 items, 90 bitstreams, 1522 megabytes) 157 279 228 741 241 221 294 258 340 302 281 389 3731
  1960 - 1966 (No. 103 - 120) (47 items, 49 bitstreams, 1492 megabytes) 86 114 246 247 133 121 153 111 91 157 113 126 1698
  1967 - 1979 (Vol. 1 - 13) (331 items, 331 bitstreams, 2577 megabytes) 799 975 815 1444 1083 582 761 715 863 934 874 723 10568
  1980 - 1989 (Vol. 14 - 23) (349 items, 349 bitstreams, 2713 megabytes) 967 1393 1264 1817 1390 969 1090 1253 932 1069 863 751 13758
  1990 - 1997 (Vol. 24 - 31) (251 items, 251 bitstreams, 1396 megabytes) 567 668 875 1307 722 713 780 743 614 642 647 552 8830
 Suomen Metsätieteellisen Seuran erillisjulkaisuja (32 items, 41 bitstreams, 1943 megabytes) 130 121 234 399 129 128 185 191 207 216 198 193 2331
  Commentationes forestales 1928 - 1933 (No. 1 - 6) (6 items, 6 bitstreams, 73 megabytes) 11 17 19 12 13 15 18 16 17 22 16 16 192
  Erillisjulkaisuja (9 items, 18 bitstreams, 1574 megabytes) 52 51 72 188 76 79 102 94 125 120 102 96 1157
  Kotimaisen metsätieteen työmaalta 1929 - 1937 (No. 1 - 9) (9 items, 9 bitstreams, 103 megabytes) 36 40 133 187 28 22 38 47 31 39 38 27 666
  Research in forestry and wood science in Finland 1966-1995 (8 items, 8 bitstreams, 191 megabytes) 31 13 10 12 12 12 27 34 34 35 42 54 316

Top 10 downloads for this community (Suomen Metsätieteellinen Seura (SMS) - The Finnish Society of Forest Science)

7 / 20238 / 20239 / 202310 / 202311 / 202312 / 20231 / 20242 / 20243 / 20244 / 20245 / 20246 / 2024Total
Forest types and their significance.702832366972656441211817533
Small-scale sawmills in industrial and social development of backward forestry areas.45443764761340418
Lexicon forestale.161519373440543436334242402
Spatial and temporal variation of soil chemical characteristics in pine sites in southern Finland.244175342762342210338
Die Waldinventur und ihre Bedeutung für Forstpolitik, Betriebswirtschaft und Waldbau.02127141341132125301
On the variation of flowering and seed crop in mature stands of Pinus sylvestris L.43111212733223296
Männyn ja kuusen siementen gammasäteilyherkkyyteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä.16425313150722285
Tutkimuksia radioaaltomenetelmien soveltuvuudesta turvemaiden kulkukelpoisuuden arvioimiseen.012244161133136281
Tampereen kaupungin ja sen lähiympäristön koristepuista ja -pensaista.150200204810252275
Effect of whole-body vibration and driving a forest machine simulator on some physiological variables of the operator.112621634445313253