Monthly download statistics

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7 / 20238 / 20239 / 202310 / 202311 / 202312 / 20231 / 20242 / 20243 / 20244 / 20245 / 20246 / 2024Total
Master's degree theses (4438 items, 4434 bitstreams, 6631 megabytes) 2473 4739 7550 7383 6880 5539 6119 7625 8771 9781 7775 5903 80538
 Openly available theses (1228 items, 1227 bitstreams, 2063 megabytes) 2424 4685 6804 6963 6494 5314 5891 7346 8488 9652 7697 5859 77617
 Theses available only at the Hanken Library and at Hanken Vaasa (1557 items, 1555 bitstreams, 2040 megabytes) 0 4 84 21 15 9 15 25 23 9 4 1 210
 Theses available only within the Hanken network (1653 items, 1652 bitstreams, 2526 megabytes) 49 50 662 399 371 216 213 254 260 120 74 43 2711

Top 10 downloads for this community (Master's degree theses)

7 / 20238 / 20239 / 202310 / 202311 / 202312 / 20231 / 20242 / 20243 / 20244 / 20245 / 20246 / 2024Total
Visual Brand Communication on Instagram : A study on consumer engagement311061631392771502152132712772751982315
Effects of Working Capital Management on Company Profitability : An industry-wise study of Finnish and Swedish public companies1227686109109829781866046561010
Storytelling Advertising : a Visual Marketing Analysis203581116432213216188164880
The effect of the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive on Finnish companies' sustainability reporting practices8615044491930609212110459697
Strategic intent behind foreign acquisitions and ownership of English Premier League football clubs1043172312162111921312561624
Implicitly Resilient? : Comparing the Resilience Objectives of Finnish Comprehensive Security Model and the NATO Baseline Requirements for Resilience1116132316941549859404748619
The Characteristics of Influencer Livestream Shopping that Encourage Consumer Impulsive Buying00000078618710512097602
I, Author : Authorship and Copyright in the Age of Artificial Intelligence253435584234604063675864580
Factors influencing the use of Balanced Scorecards217442254152382335454265503
Statistical arbitrage strategy based on VIX-to-market based signal496159121522568203460477