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The entire DSpace / Julkaisusarjat / COLLeGIUM: Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences / Volume 22: "The Enormous Failure of Nature" Famine and Society in the Nineteenth Century7 / 20238 / 20239 / 202310 / 202311 / 202312 / 20231 / 20242 / 20243 / 20244 / 20245 / 20246 / 2024Total
"A Dreadful Pressure for Money" : The Bank Charter Act 1844 and Bankers (Ireland) Act 1845 in the Context of the Great Irish Famine3 6 4 2 1 1 1 3 0 4 2 2 29
"The Enormous Failure of Nature" : Famine and Society in the Nineteenth Century - Introductory Notes8 1 6 2 1 3 6 2 2 3 2 1 37
A Lack of Resources, Information and Will : Political Aspects of the Finnish Crisis of 1867-681 10 5 3 3 5 0 8 5 11 7 5 63
Considering Famine in the Late Nineteenth Century Ottoman Empire : A Comparative Framework and Overview6 8 7 6 33 4 11 13 44 21 14 11 178
Criminality and the Finnish Famine of 1866-6818 12 14 7 14 3 5 14 9 13 11 14 134
Finland's "Great Hunger Years" Memorials : A Sesquicentennial Report78 16 23 71 21 33 19 18 18 22 21 17 357
Marriage and Household Structure in Rural Pre-Famine Finland, 1845-653 2 1 0 3 4 9 4 4 2 6 8 46
Televising the Famine : An Audiovisual Representation of the Famine in Northern Sweden, 1867-18681 5 2 5 2 1 2 1 2 0 6 1 28
The Enormous Failure of Nature" : Famine and Society in the Nineteenth Century20 8 10 9 9 5 16 20 10 30 15 20 172
The Question of Moral Economy and Famine Relief in the Russian Baltic Provinces of Estland and Livland, 1841-682 1 1 1 1 0 3 4 2 1 2 2 20
The World of the Cavan Cottier during the Great Irish Famine14 19 20 55 32 40 50 31 27 47 20 17 372