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The entire DSpace / Julkaisusarjat / COLLeGIUM: Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences / Volume 18: Cultures of Death and Dying in Medieval and Early Modern Europe7 / 20238 / 20239 / 202310 / 202311 / 202312 / 20231 / 20242 / 20243 / 20244 / 20245 / 20246 / 2024Total
"To Help the Deceased Guild Brother to His Grave" : Guilds, Death and Funeral Arrangements in Late Medieval and Early Modern Norway, ca. 1300–19003 6 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 5 6 2 37
Cultures Death and Dying in Medieval and Early Modern Europe9 8 7 2 19 82 26 19 22 21 19 19 253
Cultures Death and Dying in Medieval and Early Modern Europe18 36 4 8 2 1 3 1 0 4 2 1 80
Cultures Death and Dying in Medieval and Early Modern Europe : An Introduction39 37 42 77 116 37 45 43 33 44 40 22 575
Deviant Burials : Societal Exclusion of Dead Outlaws in Medieval Norway1 6 5 2 8 2 10 9 10 5 11 16 85
Dicing towards Death : An Oracle Game for Miners at the Falun Copper Mine from the Early Seventeenth Century32 30 3 1 6 2 5 6 5 4 9 6 109
List of Contributors0 2 1 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 9
List of Illustrations2 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 11
Parental Grief and Prayer in the Middle Ages : Religious Coping in Swedish Miracle Stories3 1 4 3 4 3 7 3 7 13 7 9 64
Post Mortem : an Afterword2 2 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 12
The Remembrance of the Deceased in the Traditional Polish Culture in the Middle Ages4 6 5 6 10 8 7 16 8 8 19 9 106
Transforming the Investment in the Afterlife : Readings of the Poem De Vita Hominis in Pre-Reformation and Post-Reformation Denmark2 6 2 3 3 4 0 2 5 1 0 1 29